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Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

My Background in Robotic Process Automation

Though Identity Methods were an IAM organisation, its CEO had a vison to add a new and innovative portfolio around RPA. We formed a partnership with Thoughtonomy whose offering was an intuitive drag and drop front end on top of another RPA developer’s system called Blue Prism. We had a group of 3 people trained up to Practitioner level with Thoughtonomy and went out with them to find processes that lent themselves to RPA development. Simple, repetitive and boring jobs that “Bots” could do without a break 24/7 with 99% accuracy.

Project Details

In the short time I was able to work with RPA I was able to start up two small projects. One was with a medium sized GP surgery in west London who wanted automated GP referral system as well as a bot that could transcribe GP’s notes into a PDF format for storage in the health centre’s own system. Again, by understanding both what the GP’s wanted and my knowledge of RPA and how this could be achieved.

Another RPA project I worked on with Thoughtonomy was putting together a generic “Joiner, Mover and Leaver” RPA system, which could be customised and integrated into anyone’s underlying CRM and IT system. We were able to automate all the standard processes for people to join an organisation, move around in their careers and eventually leave. The greatest focus was security. Adding people to CRM, email, Teams etc. Provisioning equipment and access badges and access to necessary systems. On moving making sure people had access removed from systems no longer necessary while being added to new ones as the new role required. On leaving, immediate removal of all access to systems and access to buildings.

Get in touch

Contact me for RPA projects

If you are looking for a Business Analyst to work on a Robotic Process Automation project in the UK, then you can find my full contact details on the Contact page.

You can find details of my project history on my Portfolio page or read the References and Testimonials of former colleagues and managers.
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